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If you want to reduce fat and cellulite on your legs, thighs, and hips; increase your agility and improve your sense of balance; add strength and firmness to muscles all over your body, including your heart - you may find that a jump rope can do this and more! Don't have to waste your time going back and forth to the gym to get a great workout. An hour of skipping rope can burn up to 720 calories! And unlike cycling, running or aimlessly pounding away on the cross trainer the jump rope improves coordination drastically- the development of coordination is forever ongoing too. A study done at Murray State University in Kentucky, has done experiments showing that about the same level of fitness is achieved with 10 minutes of skipping as with 30 min of jogging Jump rope provides a full body workout Your legs are under constant load, and your core is used to stabilize your physique through the duration of the exercise. Plus, your upper shoulders and arms are worked constantly to maintain an adequate rate of swing. If you want a quick summary of all the ways you may potentially benefit from skipping rope, here you go: Improves stamina and coordination Improves circulation and helps strengthen your heart Activates muscles and nerves in both the upper and lower parts of your body Increase your vertical jump and sprinting speed Guaranteed, So Order Risk Free!