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Learn How To Make Money And Find Your Way To Financial Freedom With Betting On Sports Did you know that through a longer period, over 95% of all bettors end up as losers? Did you know that as many as 97% of all bets collected by sports bookmakers are losing one? How are we able to lose as much as 97% of bets in one tennis match, where two opponents are equal, and prospects are 50:50? On the following pages, you will find detailed: tips, rules, information and many systems and strategies. It is time to convert your daily defeats with sports bookmakers and turn them into victories; that will improve your finances. In the beginning, the most important thing is to understand, that it is hard to beat sports bookmakers but not impossible. Sports bookmakers have on their side mathematical advantage. You will find out through this book what are the most common beginner mistakes in the world of sports betting and how to eliminate them. I also describe in the book the rules of sports gambling which every bettor (you), must not only know but also strictly implement in their betting. With my long-term research, I have gathered many mathematical and logical systems of betting. Many of them were casino systems which needed adjustment, so we can use them in sports betting. The book contains a special chapter on 'money management' that is a key factor for each bettor and brings many rules which will help you to distribute your resources properly and prevent possible financial collapse. If you want to neutralize the advantage of sports bookmakers, it is necessary to understand how they work, and what the secret of their success is! You will recognize the safe and value bet, and you will know how to turn the mathematical advantage into your advantage. What You'll Learn BETTING SYSTEMS BETTING STRATEGIESMONEY MANAGEMENTHOW TO BET ON DIFFERENT SPORTS 17 GOLDEN RULES FOR SUCCESSFUL BETTINGWHAT IS A SAFE BETWHAT IS VALUE BETTINGAND MUCH MORE Take Action Now And Start Winning Today!