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THIOMYL SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE Repackage of Cleary 3336 WP Treats bulbs after digging for over-wintering Controls many stem, crown & root rots Controls many leaf spots such as Black Spot of Roses CONTAINS: 50% Thiophanate Methyl Wettable Powder. USE ON: Roses, many ornamentals, and certain backyard fruit trees: apple, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, pecan, plum and prune. Bulbs; as a Bulb Dip. CONTROLS: Anthracnose, fusarium blight, black spot, botrytis and other diseases on ornamentals RATE: Spray: 2+ Tsp per gal Turf: 1-2 oz per 1,000 sq ft. APPLICATION: Mix with water, apply as a full volume foliar spray.