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he G2M is a simple-to-use, highly effective, guitar-to-MIDI converter. It is universal because it doesn't need a special pick-up mounted on your guitar, but instead simply connects to your guitar like any other effects pedal or tuner. Designed to give accurate triggering, with very low-latency, it is a true plug-and-play solution for monophonic MIDI guitar. It can be used to sequence bass lines and guitar solos add an edge to your live performances - it opens up many creative possibilities.Improves Playing TechniqueFor optimal MIDI conversion, your guitar playing needs to be clean and accurate. Accidental notes, resonating open strings and other sounds can often be converted into undesired MIDI notes. Often you don't hear these when playing guitar yourself, but can detect them easily when listening live to the generated MIDI. Striving to improve MIDI note accuracy, encourages clean picking and accurate fingering, with good control over non-sounding strings by damping them.While low-latency is important, robust triggering is the key to usability - you can easily adapt to some latency, but you cannot adapt to random, spurious notes. The G2M gives you both! By virtue of the unique, inherently robust technology used in the G2M you will be able to reliably generate accurate MIDI quickly and easily. Notes are generated exactly as played, and the nuances of your performance are captured with fast, accurate pitch-bend data.Not only will your MIDI output be more accurate, your normal guitar playing will sound clearer and more professional. It's like having a tutor sitting beside you giving you advice. It s also great fun!Built-in TunerThe built-in tuner uses our PULSAR tuning technology where the power LED doubles as a tuning indicator. This innovative tuner gives you a fast and accurate way to tune your guitar.When you try the G2M and generate some new sounds, the first thing that strikes you is how much fun it is. Unleash new creative inspiration and invigora