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Solid Copper Alligator Clips (4 pack) 2-inch Crocodile Jaw Soldering Heat Sink & DIY Electronics Test Clip Wire Connector Rated for 10 Amps (10a) & Up To 10 ga (10 awg) Wire The solid copper construction allows these alligator clips to be used as both traditional quick electronic hook-up wire clip on test leads as well as soldering heat sinks to protect your most delicate components from overheating, scorching, melting, and other heat related damage. Solid copper alligator clips are chosen by most electronic hobbyist for their versatility as copper is both an excellent thermal and electrical conductor. Superior heat transfer compared to standard steel clip soldering heat sinks. Features: ▪4x Solid Copper Alligator Clips for use as a soldering heat sink or quick clip on test lead wire connector ▪Rated for up to 10 amps and 10 gauge (10 awg) wire - Can be soldered or crimped on ▪Solid Copper is both an excellent conductor of electricity and heat Specifications: ▪Material: Solid Copper (NOT PLATED) ▪Overall Length: ~2" (2 inches) / 50mm ▪Crimp or Solder Connection Barrel Tail ▪Current Rating: 10 Amps ▪Max Wire Size: 10 AWG