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Photo-voltaic modules use light energy (photons) from the Sun to generate electricity through the photo-voltaic effect. Or in other words uses light from the sun to generate POWER. Whether you prefer the scientific definition or simply want the benefits of solar power, we have you covered Common Uses Include but are NOT Limited To Home Projects Appliance repair, garden, walkway or sensor lights (Indoor or Outdoor) Learning Tools Science school fair demonstrations, great for learning Hobby Self powered models, doll houses, toys, cars boats Survival Everyone should have their very own stash of solar panels around the house. Great for keeping small gadgets alive during an emergency such as cell phones. Reduce Green House Gases by generating your own power. Help with Energy Payback via contributing to the solution. Decrease Your Carbon Footprint helping mother earth and conserving our vital resources. All products sold by Shake and Bake are proudly packaged in the U.S.A, contributing to our economy and providing good paying jobs for the masses.