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Product description After a cataclysmic war of the gods, the last of humanity huddles in Bastion, a colossal ringed city. Beyond the outermost wall lies endless desert haunted by the souls of all the world’s dead. Trapped in a rigid caste system, Nuru, a young street sorcerer, lives in the outer ring. She dreams of escape and freedom. When something contacts her from beyond the wall, she risks everything and leaps at the opportunity. Mother Death, a banished god seeking to reclaim her place in Bastion’s patchwork pantheon, has found her way back into the city. Akachi, born to the wealth and splendour of Bastion’s inner rings, is a priest of Cloud Serpent, Lord of the Hunt. A temple-trained sorcerer, he is tasked with bringing peace to the troublesome outer ring. Drawn into a dark and violent world of assassins, gangs, and street sorcerers, he battles the spreading influence of Mother Death in a desperate attempt to save Bastion. The gods are once again at war. Review "Gritty and unrelenting. A great read."--PetrosTriantafylou- "The fertile soil of Mesoamerican mythology, warped throughthe lens of Fletcher's hyperkinetic imagination, yields hypnotic,terrifying results." --Brian Staveley, author of THE EMPEROR'S BLADES "Ancient, bloodthirsty gods, street sorcerers, rival gangs,faith, and sacrifice all come to play a part is this dark andoriginal tale from one of the best in the biz. It's bloody,enthralling, and grimdark as f*ck." "With every novel he writes, Fletcher has a way of contributingsomething brilliantly twisted and utterly unique to the Fantasy (orscifi) genre, and I found Smoke and Stone to be his bestwork yet. --Grimdark Magazine "Michael R. Fletcher has written an amazing book about thedevastation left by a war of gods. Filled with forced oppression, andthe sacrifice of millions. Gods, who in desperation to save theirworshipers, created a city in which the remains of mankind dwell.Strangely enough, it's weirdly magical. There's a haunting feeling ofboth hopelessness and possibilities." "Set in a unique and finely crafted world decimated by war,rich in both history and beliefs evocative of Mesoamerican culture,this story is suffused with ageless deities of endless monikersdetermined to topple the current structure of the pantheon. Theserenewed and ongoing battles between fickle gods threaten to triggerbloodshed between men, revealing well-kept secrets that will surelyshatter the fabric of society. Devoted priesthoods and hereticalassassins, savage street-magic fueled by carefully formulatedconcoctions of narcotics and divine will, public sacrificial ritualsto appease blood-thirsty gods, the world-building in this book isboth astonishing and impeccable." "Smoke and Stone is post-apocalyptic fantasy magnificence..." "It's unapologetic. It will make you uncomfortable. It mighteven offend you. Please don't let that stop you. Art shouldn't becomfortable. Good art should be the exact opposite, and this bookdelivers." "It is a dark tale full of unconventional ideas with thatspecial kind of madness that only Fletcher can provide. "