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Welcome to the 5th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context. EuroSSC 2010 is a venue for high-quality papers that describe both original and unpublished research advancing the state of the art in smart surroundings, context-awareness and networked embedded sensor and actuator systems. The conference brings researchers of a variety of disciplines, perspectives and g- graphical areas together. It aims to explore the implications of computing as it starts to surround us transparently, interwoven into the fabric of everyday life. Our Program Committee—composed of 28 leading international researchers in the ?elds of context recognition and smart sensing—accepted 13 papers to be published in these proceedings. We want to take the opportunity to express our gratitude to the diligent e?orts of all members of the EuroSSCProgramCommittee and the team for the localarrangements.We also wantto thank the over50 (co-)authorsfrom over13 countries for their contributions, shaping the EuroSSC into a true international venue. In addition to the o?cial conference proceedings, we are pleased to also - clude a short report about the Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) platforms. We also want to express our thanks to the MonAMI coordinators, as without them the sharedworkshopwouldnot have been possible. We found that theworkshopsparkedinterestingdiscussionsbetweentheconferenceparticipants about the fascination topic of aging in a pervasive computing age.