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Product descriptionThis SMA series is small threaded coaxial connectors with high frequency bandwidth, excellent performance, high reliability and long life, has a wide range of application, eg: connection for two-way radio, audio, video, and other test equipment.Product Specification:Temp range:-65~+165℃ (PE Cable-40~+85℃)Vibration:MIL-STD-202,Method 213Impedance:50ΩFrequency Range:DC~12.4GHzWorking Voltage:335V maxInsulation resistance≥ 5000 MΩInsertion loss≤0.15 dB/3GHzTIPS: Normal SMA male - A pin center,thread insideNormal SMA female - A hole in center,thread outside RP SMA male - A hole in center,thread insideRP SMA female - A pin in center,thread outside SMA Kits have 30 pieces connectors converters SMA right angle kits include three types: SMA male to female 90 degree & SMA female to RP SMA male 90 degree & RP SMA female to RP SMA male 90 degree Female to female kits include 4 types: SMA female to female barrel & RP SMA female to RP SMA female barrel & SMA female to RP SMA female barrel & SMA female to female bulkhead Male to Male kits : SMA male to male & SMA male to RP SMA male & RP SMA male to RP SMA male SMA 3 way kits : SMA male to dual SMA female & RP SMA male to Dual RP SMA Female Male to Female kits : SMA male to female & RP SMA male to SMA female & RP SMA Female to SMA male