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Skeleteen Bandit Thief mask is the perfect costume accessory that will cover your eyes in full. It is a simple black faux leather strand, plain in design, that is not elastic, but can be knotted to fit the size of a child or adult head. There are eye holes in the mask that are enough far apart the it can be used by a man woman or kid. This is a replica of the real one, and is perfect for boys, girls, men and women, and can even be put onto a toddler. These masks are perfect for a family dress up, or a girl boy pair dress up. This dark mask will hide your face, and when roaming the streets at night, will not be recognized. It can be used as costume accessories for Lone Ranger costume, Westley from The Princess Bride, a Cat burglar costume, etc. This mask fits well for a costume of the Mysterious Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride. If you are looking for an easy, no makeup required, simple costume for a female and male group dress up for a costume party, you can wear thief outfits, black slouchy beanies stocking hats, and canvas drawstring bags with a dollar sign on it. It can also be used as costume props for a cops and robbers or robbery themed party. This mask is also ideal for any little kid who loves dressing up. Please note: this mask cannot be worn with glasses.