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Shanhai Melzi Ardentissimofull Reprap 3D Printer Controller Board ATMEGA1284p A4988 ArduinoFeatures:1. The main chip is ATmega1284P (TWICE the memory of the inferior 644P!)2. 4*Stepper Motor Driver integrated chips are Allegro A49883. Integrated USB chip FT232RL socket3. Integrated X/Y/Z/E step motor driver with sockets4. Integrated X/Y/Z stopping with socketsI5. Integrated heatbead temperature controller with sockets6. Integrated hotend temperature controller with sockets7. Integrated power in sockets8. Integrated micro SD card socket9. Install control software, the 3D printer you made is well done.10. If connect with our mk4 hotend nozzle,it need not to be adjusted and easily excute you 3D printing project.11. This is a Reprap Melzi Ardentissimofull featured board using the ATMEGA 1284P 16MHZ (is being tested) chip . 12. This is a Sanguinololu firmware compatible board, need not the extra fan, hasing micro SD on board as well. 13. A full firmware is on board as well negating the need for external stepper motor drivers.Click to "Add to List", and you will receive:Melzi Ardentissimofull Reprap 3D Printer Controller Board X 1