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Senna is a plant native to Northern Africa, and both the leaves and the seeds are used in herbal medicine. Known primarily for its purgative properties, senna works as a natural laxative and is often taken in a capsule, pill, granule or tea format. Senna tea and supplements can be found in the herbal section of many grocery stores and also in health food stores. Treating Constipation Eating senna leaf or drinking senna leaf tea will encourage bowel movements. The leaf causes the walls of your large intestine to contract, which will push stools through your system. Because of this ability, senna leaf is helpful in relieving constipation, often leading to bowel movements within six to 12 hours after ingestion. In traditional Chinese medicine, senna leaf removes heat from your colon, helping get rid of waste from old food that has built up there over time. In traditional medicine, senna leaf is not recommended for women who are menstruating, nursing or pregnant.