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Because sometimes, it takes a crisis for us to realize time was never the issue. Is it hard for you to remember the last time you took a break and didn’t feel guilty about it? Do you wake up in the middle of the night trying to figure out a way to squeeze another task (or ten) into an already overscheduled life? When people ask you about your self-care, is your answer, “Um, none?” Do you feel like self-care is for other women—women who have a lot more time, money, resources, help…? If you answered “yes” to those questions, you’re not alone. You’re also super close to having some new thoughts about self-care. It’s for all of us—you included, even if the idea makes your eyes roll now. After hearing herself tell yet another client to “start with just five minutes a day, it’ll change your life,” certified professional women’s empowerment coach Jennifer McCullough realized that women could use a how-to manual for self-care. When she thought about it, she wished she’d had one years ago. So…she wrote one.Being able to make your own care a priority is life-changing. You’ll have more energy, enjoy life at a higher level, and find that introducing a self-care practice actually gives you more time in your packed days! That’s right, you can do more in every area of your life if you just put yourself on your own list. Jennifer will show you how. Simplifying the way we approach self-care and using the neuroscience of habit-building to turn it into a practice that sticks, Self-Care for Your Apocalypse guides you from a life of no-self-care to enjoying luscious morning routines, relaxing with pampering bedtime habits, and even treating yourself to full-on weekends of self-care. And it starts with just five minutes a day. For the most part, we realize self-care is important and we plan to get to it… someday. How about today? What if you could start to enjoy your life more, starting now? Give yourself the gift of feeling amazing by learning how to treat yourself better.