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Porcini mushrooms up to 20' in diameter. The red-brown to dark brown caps are smooth, slightly sticky, and are convex when young, flattening out with age. The cream-colored stems average 3-10' in height and are broad, wide, firm, and dense with small ridges on the bottom portion of the stem. The flesh is white and solid. When cooked, Porcini mushrooms are creamy, tender, and smooth with a nutty, earthy flavor. HOW TO PLANT:Mushrooms grow symbiotically with trees.Rake the soil under a tree to form a hole of between 2-6 inches. Spread the mycelium evenly over the entire raked surface. Cover with backyard (or forest) soil mixed with any humus in equal proportion. Water with the watering can at the amount of 1 gallon per 5 ft2, sprinkling the ground that was formed during the raking. Cultivation can be done at any time of the year and under any tree species. During a dry period, watering should be done using a watering at the amount of 1 gallon per 2 ft2. Mushrooms appear from the spring to the fall but for the first time no earlier than 2.5 months after cultivation. The first harvest will be between 10-15 oz./ 10 ft2, and then up to 5-10 lbs./ 10 ft2. The mycelium will remain viable as long as the tree is alive. Indoors, you can try to grow mushrooms in the same way, but the results will underperform those grown in the backyard. There is also an increased chance that the mushrooms will not germinate. Amateur cultivation of mycorrhizal and other soil mushrooms doesn’t give a guaranteed result as the harvest of mushrooms strongly depends on the weather and many other factors. Attention! A significant factor for the successful cultivation of mushrooms is the acidity of the soil. The optimum pH is between 6.5 - 7.