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Adam Sandoval and his dog, Scooter “Trash” began their odyssey in November of 2014 with only what they could carry on the back of a 1996 Harley Davidson. This epic journey will take them through all 48 lower states and to 696 Harley Davidson dealerships as they raise money for The American Legion Scholarship Fund. In November of 2015 they completed their first year while over a hundred thousand fans on social media followed along. This book is the story of that journey…along with a lot of the inside stories that he didn’t share online. Inside the Helmet will give you a glimpse into Adam’s head from the very beginning as he takes what so far has only been a dream and with a lot of work, shapes it into a reality. This book will give you a front row seat to the heart-wrenching emotions he goes through as he realizes his marriage is falling apart. You’ll be privy to his joys and his fears, and share in both his successes and his struggles. Inside the Helmet will take you down some of the most famous highways in America as well as the beautiful back roads. You’ll feel like you’re right there as Adam realizes his dream of riding his bike across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and through the middle of a giant redwood. You’ll experience the breathtaking views from the edge of the Grand Canyon and the top of a mountain in North Carolina. You’ll see America like you’ve never seen it before and Adam will introduce you to the kind and generous people that he meets along the way. Ride along with them and share in the heartbreak of meeting a mother who has lost her child to war…and the awe and respect of being saluted by a WWII Veteran. By the end of this book you won’t just be rooting for Adam and Scooter and all of the people who help them along the way, you’ll be rooting for America as a whole. Adam and Scooter will take the old saying, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey,” to an entirely new level and you’ll be glad that you came along for the ride. "If you did not serve in your military, find time to serve those who did.”—Adam Sandoval