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Product Information Just seconds to peel, chop, mix, blend, whip, grind and whirl food into tasty, nutritious meals and snacks! Magic Bullet. Whip up coffee drinks, smoothies, sauces, chopped veggies, omelets, soups and more in a flash. put together entire meals and party menus in minutes. even prep, heat, eat and store food in the same container! Magic Bullet is a compact high-speed blender / mixer system that pulses, shakes or taps ingredients into yummy, restaurant-quality food in a snap. Most components go right in the dishwasher, and there's no need for food containers, foil or plastic, since specially-designed lids snap on Magic Bullet containers to keep leftovers fresh. Easy clean-up, no wasted food Not for Baby Bullet, not for Nutri-Bullet. Fits Magic Bullet model MBR-1701, 2101, 2501, 480580.