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Fantasy screenwriters in the 21st century have nothing on Satan when it comes to putting together heroes and humans. Satan skillfully blends sinister villany, persecution, murder, and one charismatic, two-faced ‘savior’ with the miraculous. In his ongoing efforts to ensure billions of humans share his eternal fate, Satan coyly threads an ingenious trap into the 21 Judgements God promises to send upon an unrepentant human race in the Last Days. It's all right there in the Book of Revelation. Destruction, Death, 666, Nature gone amuck, Miracles, Global Governance, Warfare, bait/trap, Massive Earthquakes and the Promise of an escape. For who and how much? Well, that IS the question!. Sound fantastical? It's 100% true. AND... Coming Soon to a Newscast Near You! And way too many people know zip about these Biblical predictions.This enjoyable explanation describes the trap's blueprint and enticing bait Satan uses during the Last Days of Mankind as humans face a planet on fire, global devastation, physical torment, contaminated rivers and the death of 1 out of 3. So grab coffee or a soda, pull up a chair, and turn the page. I’m keeping it short. For those that hate long books.