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Samahan is a concentrated, water soluble herbal preparation of selected medical herbs used over centuries in health care. The activities of indivibined in such a manner to proved the best effect covering a range of activities where some act as synergists, and some as bio-enhancers and natural preservatives stabilising the product What are the super ingredients? Samahan tea from Sri Lanka is made from 14 spices and herbs Adhatoda vasica Nees(Acanthaceae)(Adathoda) Alpinia galanga Willd(Zingiberaceae)(Java galangal) Carum copticum Benth & Hook(Apiaceae)(Ajowan) Coriandrum sativum Linn(Apiaceae)(Coriander) Coscinium fenestratum(Gaertn) Colebr(Menispermaceae)(Flase calumba) Cuminum cyminum Linn(Apiaceae)(Cumin) Evolvulus alsinoides Linn(Convolvulaceae) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn(Fabaceae)(Liquorice) Hedyotis herbaceae(Linn) Lam(Rubiaceae) Piper longum Linn(Piperaceae)(Long pepper) Piper nigrum Linn(Piperaceae)(Black pepper) Premna herbacea Roxb(Verbenaceae) Solanum xanthocarpum Schrade & Wendl(Solanaceae) Zingiber officinale Roscoe(Zingiberaceae) What is inside? 4 Grams Bags How to drink? Dissolve the contents of one sachet of Samahan in half a cup which equals 100ml of hot water. The preparation with milk is also popular in Sri Lanka. What are the Benifits? Activities of individual plants are combined to provide the best effect covering a range of activities where some act as bio-enhancers and natural preservatives stabilizing the end product. Samahan is effective in providing rapid relief to the symptoms of common cold, cough, body aches headaches, and other catarrh related ailments.