All Categories Appearing as an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, this interplanetary Nancy Drew and her sleuthing galfriends save the day in both 20-minute episodes of the WB television series. In "Cruise Blues," Serena (earthly alter ego of Sailor Moon) disguises herself as a photographer to crash a sweethearts' cruise attended stag by two other sailor scouts and a host of lovebirds. When evil soldiers from the Negaverse sap the "love energy" from the couples, only the dateless trio is left standing to fight for the forces of good. The low-life Neflite takes possession of a photographer in "Shutter Bugged," and zaps supermodel wannabes with his camera. In a jiffy, model-hopeful Serena changes from her swimsuit to her go-go-booted, mini-skirted Sailor Moon outfit and vanquishes the villains. Both episodes are followed by "Sailor Says," a politically correct message for girls delivered à la Jerry Springer: "Don't settle for a guy who doesn't treat you right" and "Beauty is on the inside." Girls 6 and up will watch for the fantasy and the action, but probably not for life lessons. --Kimberly Heinrichs