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Welcome to Saddlebag Dispatches, Where Stories Of The West Come To Be Told. If you like stories of the West, you've come to the right place. But we don't just tell stories of the Old West. If a tale takes place west of Mississippi and has the spirit of the Old West in it—even if it involves pickups and highways instead of horses and dusty trails—this is where it belongs. In addition to fiction, we publish the best nonfiction about the West as well as poetry, interviews and...well, pretty much anything to do with the West. Are you getting the idea we like things western?The Spring issue features our exclusive interview with New York Times bestselling romance novelist Linda Broday, as well as a retrospective on country music icon Rex Allen, Jr., a photo tour of Yellowstone National Park and Big Sky, an exclusive on-set update from the upcoming Western film Painted Woman, short fiction from romance novelist Linda Broday, Spur Award-winning author Rod Miller, Terry Alexander, and Dennis Doty, and the third installment of Michael and D.A. Frizell's sizzling serial graphic novel, Bender.