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Product Description Drums from around the world join with Native American Flute, Incan Pan Pipes, Spirit Rattle, Guitars, Digital Synthesizers and Sounds of Nature (including wolf, eagle, coyote and dolphin). Feel the irresistible power of the beat lead you on a healing Shamans journey. Move your body and become absorbed in the dance for the sacredness of life and reverence for the earth! Review "An exceptionally fine album that runs from quietly calming to emotionally stirring definitely the best Ive reviewed this year." -- Lee Stone, Innerchange "Earthy and stirring you will feel the mystery in this music!" -- The New Times "It holds you, transports you to beautiful places and returns you (well-grounded) back to earth. A thoroughly engrossing experience!" -- Dimensions "Moving, eloquent and deeply spiritual, an instant classic! In my opinion this is a must have. My highest recommendation." -- Steve Ryals, New Age Retailer "There is a depth and immediacy in Sacred Earth Drums which is very powerful and authentic. Highly recommended!" -- Nexus Prolific and profound, brothers and musicians David and Steve Gordon incorporate colors and textures from all over the world in their music, capturing the spiritual root beneath all sounds, be they drums, flutes, bird calls, rain, or guitars. Sacred Earth Drums finds them bridging the gap between Native American shamanic-style drums, with play-along-at-home melodic signatures and a steady parade of natural color and instrumental shading. Pan pipes, wooden flutes, and classical guitars parade through the mist on their way past the sacred fire, which is surrounded by a solemn circle of drummers. The music here is healing and mysterious, rooting, comforting, and yet ancient and uncanny. Surrender to its moods and there's no telling how far you can dance into the outer space of the inner self. The Native American pounding drumbeat and melodic wooden flute of "Sunset Ceremony" are so strong it takes awhile to realize that the shakers and cricket noises have blurred imperceptibly together over rain sticks and spirit rattles. "Call of the Medicine Drum" sets up a nice call-and-response between whispering wooden flute and classical guitar playing over low, rumbling synth chords and the thunderous drums of the title. Underneath it all the nighttime menagerie of birds and crickets and other natural ambience precede and end each track, giving the proceedings a campfire calmness; all of nature is with you. The birds are recorded so well you might feel they are inside your apartment, and so might your cats. The vibe gradually grows mystical and otherworldly, with lonesome whippoorwills and rolling, whispering desert winds fading in and out of the steady, relentlessly flowing Native American drums for "Return Journey." When the return is made home, the journey over, there's still time for one last jam, with fretless bass and happily chirping morning birds with "Sun Rise in Peace," a final track to send everyone off to bed in a merry mood, the rhythms and pleasant feeling of physical exhaustion moving blissfully with the funky steel drum and rattles. No one is thinking about what tomorrow will bring; they're still in the moment, gradually disappearing into their tents until all that's left is a fire still burning fairly well, and the glimmer of pink along the eastern tree line slowly turning the black night on fire with the coming day. Whatever happens next, you'll be fine with Sacred Earth Drums coiling like a sleeping serpent in the warm nest of your CD changer, ready to! wake and work its rooting magic at a moment's notice. -- Daily-OM The intention of the artists was to create a ceremonial tool. That's just what this does. The recording takes listeners on a shamanic journey using drums, flutes, pipes and nature sounds, creating a deeply meditative experience. -- Laura LaVoie From the Artist Our goal in this recording is to provide a musical catalyst which can serve as a rit