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SP-90 is potassium humate powder that acts a natural soil and plant growth stimulant. It is a dark brown to black powder with an average 90% humic acid content. SP-90 is 99+% soluble in water. It is easily assimilated by plants and some of its main functions include improving plant immunity, improving plant metabolism, improving plant root development, improving the supply of plant nutritional elements and increasing the formation of ferments. SP-90 promotes the increased accumulation of chlorophyll, sugar, amino acids and more and improves the efficiency of nitrogen utilization, allowing for reduced fertilizer rates. One of the primary actions of SP-90 is to increase the plant’s ability to withstand the stresses of heat, drought, cold, disease, insect and other types of environmental or cultural pressures. SP-90 also increases general plant productivity, in terms of yield, as well as plant stem strength. Within the soil, SP-90 stimulates soil microorganisms, promoting Humus formation. Differences from other Humate products: - Low sodium formulation consisting primarily of Potassium Humic Acid Salts. Provides extra potassium for crop nutrition and minimizes sodium in conditions where high salt content already exists. - The presence of soluble Silicon (Si) compounds in SP-90 provides plants with the nutrition for stronger stems, making them more resistant to natural stress situations and insects.