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Product Description The same occult group who have been ruling over humanity for thousands of years continue to do so to this day. The Luciferian one world government of Biblical prophecy is unfolding behind the scenes as you read this, and was given the catchy name of the New World Order. The technology currently exists to fulfill all aspects of the Biblical prophecies regarding the End Times, including the resurrection of the original Antichrist, who was the architect of the New World Order over 4,000 years ago. This tyrant will soon be brought back to life using modern day DNA technology to rule the world once again, fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation 17:8 "The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the Earth whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come." I'm going to show you who the Antichrist is, how and why the plan for the New World Order began, who ran it through history, who runs it today, and what is to happen in the very near future. I explain very clearly all of the most important components of this evil agenda and how they interlock to form a pyramidal, compartmentalized conspiracy run by the Luciferian elites, to the ultimate benefit of only a few thousand of the people involved with bringing the one world government to fruition. If you've never heard of the New World Order, what is happening behind the scenes is quite unbelievable. My first book is exactly the 'red pill' that you've heard about....the book that will wake you up to what's really going on in the world. Yes, it's quite disturbing, but there's a happy ending full of hope and promise if you understand what is REALLY going on, that which is plainly laid out in my books. Please read the book reviews for this book and you will see that this is a highly important book for you to not only read, but to make others aware of its existence. Book 2 of the series is out now also. I'm self-published, please tell everyone you can about the existence of my works. Thanks to all for your support! -J. Michael Thomas Hays Review "Makes the DaVinci Code look like a kindergarten story" In 'Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man", all of those pieces of conspiracy theory we have heard over the years are masterfully put together in an incredible panoramic view of realization. This book offers a matrix like awakening to what is going on in our world, and what makes it more incredible is the factual and historical quotes and accounts of the real people that seek nothing more than to turn humanity into slaves. Unfortunately the overwhelming facts seem so daunting and can leave one thinking there is no hope for us poor slaves. However, faith in God and that all is going according to Biblical prophecy gives us hope that in the end, true good will triumph over evil. A must read for all truth seekers both Christian and non-Christian alike. -Richard/Amazon Reviewer "Everyone needs to read this" I've always been a believer in something much bigger than what we see on the news, a "behind the scenes" manipulation of governments all over the world that 99.9% of the world is completely unaware of. I'm also a die-hard Christian believing in the Bible. This book puts the two theories (Revelations) together in a terrifying scenario of what's coming. Some of it is hard to believe, but the general gist of it, a march toward a One World Order, I believe is unfortunately true. I recommend everyone on the planet read this book, and realize time is short. -Franny/Amazon Reviewer "Extremely Important Information" This book is packed with information and the author provides the reader with many sources (strongly suggesting that readers do their own further research). I found it eye-opening and wish I could convince everyone to read it. He limits the depth