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Finding an effective treatment for fleas and ticks in dogs can take many expensive treatments and numerous bottles of ineffective flea shampoo often with harsh chemicals, with no end in sight to your pet’s discomfort. Not anymore. Richard’s Organics Flea and Tick Dog Shampoo naturally kills fleas and ticks, repels mosquitos, and soothes irritated skin, with ingredients including five essential oils and Vitamin E. The 100% natural actives ingredients in our topical 12 oz. bottle of Flea and Tick Dog Shampoo is proven to kill fleas and ticks naturally. Cinnamon, Clove, Cedarwood, Peppermint and Rosemary oils, and soothing moisturizers Vitamin E, Lanolin and Lecithin combine to rid your dog of fleas and ticks and soothe irritated skin from excessive scratching, licking and biting. The shampoo is safe for use on dogs over 12 weeks old, paraben, dye and soap free, does contain any harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances, and is great for dogs with sensitive skin. You can also use it with other topical spot-on flea and tick treatments. For best results, work the lather thoroughly into the dog’s coat and down into the skin, moving back from the head. Allow lather to remain on the dog for a few minutes and then rinse. You will actually see the fleas coming off your dog as you bathe with Richard’s Organics Flea and Tick Shampoo. We know that your dogs are more than just pets - they are part of the family - so Richard’s Organics designs premium wellness and healing products that pet parents can actually afford. Your dog will be free of fleas and ticks, smell great and irritated skin will heal with natural ingredients rather than harsh chemicals – making you both happy and able to focus on more important things like walks, fetch and snuggles. Of course, if skin issues become a consistent problem, please consult your veterinarian. Due to the active oil ingredients of this shampoo, it is not safe to use on cats.