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Product Description This straightforward volume takes a distributed, transmission line approach to RF circuit design, with a focus on methodology fundamentals and minimal discussion of theoretical concepts. The Second Edition introduces RF design tools such as the Smith Chart, dual port networks, S-parameters, and provides extensive coverage of RF filter design, matching networks, active and passive device modeling, narrow and broadband amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators. KEY TOPICS: Approaches RF design from a circuit perspective, so readers need little or no background in electromagnetic fields. Prominently features key RF concepts in sidebars throughout the text. MARKET: For anyone interested in learning more about RF circuit design. From the Back Cover This straightforward volume takes a distributed, transmission line approach to RF circuit design, with a focus on methodology fundamentals and minimal discussion of theoretical concepts. The Second Edition introduces RF design tools such as the Smith Chart, dual port networks, S-parameters, and provides extensive coverage of RF filter design, matching networks, active and passive device modeling, narrow and broadband amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators.Approaches RF design from a circuit perspective, so readers need little or no background in electromagnetic fields. Prominently features key RF concepts in sidebars throughout the text. Provides hands-on experience via accompanying MATLAB CD.For anyone interested in learning more about RF circuit design. About the Author Gene Bogdanov is a Research Assistant Professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He teaches microprocessor design and conducts research in RF coils for magnetic resonance imaging.