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A part of the continuing effort to provide innovative in situ remediation techniques, Remediation of Firing-Range Impact Berms presents the results of a soil washing and leaching project. The demonstration set as its primary objective providing reliable, detailed performance data to evaluate the feasibility and cost of implementing a full-scale system. Its secondary objective was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technology in producing a 'clean' soil based on analytical results. The project included the following steps:Bench scale treatability studies of prospective soilsSelection of a demonstration sitePilot plant equipment design, installation, and shakedownExecution of the demonstration at the selected DOD sitePreparation of the Final Technical Report (FTR) and the Technology Evaluation Report (TER)The monograph discusses the results of the pilot plant study and includes the technical information necessary to reproduce the study full-scale. It recommends procedures for successful soil washing at small arms ranges. Remediation of Firing-Range Impact Berms will save you time and money when using in situ technology for soil remediation.