Reliable Outdoor Gear Festival Blanket - Waterproof, Foldable, Lightweight, 0,3 Ounce, 22 x 15 inch, for 1 Person

Product ID : 29655988

Galleon Product ID 29655988
Shipping Dimension Unknown Dimensions
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About Reliable Outdoor Gear Festival Blanket

If you are looking for the world's tiniest ground cloth, you just found it. It's called the "Wallet Blanket"! This micro gear it's designed to fit in your wallet and it takes the same length and width as a credit card, just slightly thicker and weighting only 0.35 oz. The cloth has just the right size to fit You, and nothing more; no useless size, no corner weights, no pockets, only the essential so minimal space is taken. Therefore it fits almost everywhere: small purses, EDC bags, or any pocket. Why do you need it and where to use it To protect yourself against ground dust, sand, small rocks, dirt, twigs and insects whenever you need a break during hiking, climbing, at the beach or a bench in the park. Also it's handy for the impromptu to use it as a fast-to-mount ground cloth for camping, picnic, fishing, outside yoga sessions, Disneyland trips or whenever you need a break from walking or swimming. One favorite use of the Wallet Blanket is the concerts and outdoor festivals. It loves them and is the perfect companion! Thanks to the water repellent fabric which has no folding stitches embedded that can leak water, you can use it to cover your head on those unexpected drizzles when you don't have an umbrella on you. Why Wallet Blanket The Wallet Blanket is the newest ground cloth and the most minimalistic out there, being designed with lightweight and smallness in mind. We have used the strongest fabric available and the love for outdoors pushed us to make it with care, for sturdiness over time. Therefore we absolutely guarantee it against manufacturing defects. Compare it with similar products and see it is a unique ground cloth. Afterwords, get your Wallet Blanket - this Reliable Outdoor Gear! Even better! It comes with gift-wrap if you need to buy it as a gift. Choose your favorite wrap at checkout.