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Product Description Rejuvenation reveals safe and effective home laser light therapy treatments that can be self-administered using an inexpensive laser pointer. Coherent laser light does not cure everything, but it certainly will treat the conditions outlined in Rejuvenation. Minor infections such as "angry" hangnails or scratches can be treated one day and gone the next. Teeth and gum problems can be helped, as long as there are no cavities. Rheumatoid arthritis responds in a magnificent way to coherent light therapy. Illuminating one group of joints has a systemic affect on the whole body with multiple joint improvement. Diabetic neuropathy for numb feet , illuminate twice per week, cutting back to once per six weeks. Sensation typically comes back within three weeks. Includes Home Remedies for Over 40 Other ailments and conditions. Increase testosterone production. Decrease breast tenderness. Heal a prostate. Improve symptoms of fibromyalgia. Eliminate bursitis. Avoid/postpone a root canal. Coherent light therapy may be used in the treatment of the heart, or the stroke-recovering brain simply by pressing an inexpensive modern day miracle against the skin: the laser pointer. Review My first laser back in 1986 was a 2.5 mW HeNe laser. It did not create any miracles in my dental clinic but the results were interesting enough to keep up my interest - in spite of the high price tag in those days. The years have passed and equipment for low level laser therapy has improved a lot, producing much higher power and new wavelengths. But still at a rather high price, especially if you want to have one for your private use. Meanwhile, laser pointers can be obtained at a very low cost; a red pointer of around 5 mW can be found for some 20-30 USD. Such sources of coherent light are by no means optimal but they do present an affordable option for self treatment of many medical conditions, especially for conditions in superficial tissues. The aim of the book Rejuvenation by Lawrence DelRe is to underline this fact and to bring attention to the possibilities of self treatment by laser pointers. The suggested therapies are based upon the author s own long-time experience. Some indications are rather speculative, others based upon scientific evidence. Nearly 300 references are listed at the end of the book. But in all cases the author underlines safety precautions in a responsible way. The medical risks with laser pointer in this power range are indeed minimal but whatever there is has to be emphasized, considering the fact that this book is aimed at a general public of laymen. The author also underlines that laser pointers are for self treatment no to treat others than yourself. Although the range of possibilities with laser pointers is somewhat limited, many individuals will find them surprisingly effective for several conditions. This in turn may generate more interest in professional laser therapy and eventually advance the frontiers of this fascinating medical tool. --Dr. Jan Tuner, co-author of the classic: Laser Therapy I am so pleased that Dr DelRe has published a book that will help ordinary people self-treat many common ailments in a safe, drug free way. His book is clearly written, contains many explanatory drawings and safe protocols, and gives practical insight for the therapies. It also contains some 290 scholarly references that can serve as starting points for those who wish to research further. Unfortunately, the laser pointer is illegal in the UK, but I believe that narrow band LED light should work just as well in these applications. A better discussion of the importance of correct wavelengths and light dispersion may have been helpful. --mike, mwk; (UK) After a cursory reading of Dr. DelRe's book, I heeded the advice he proffers for neuropathy and took grape seed extract. Right away the numbness and tingling that I had in my foot for a half year started to go away. Being amazed, I then did the other thing the docto