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Don't worry, you're not the only one. If your mind sometimes takes a day trip and leaves you sitting there drooling, comes back with fantastic tales of its adventures, and you then feel compelled to tell the rest of the world about it, don't fret. I have the same problem. Some questions just beg to be answered. Like, what if Santa Claus got bitten by a vampire? What would it look like if your asshole friends were actually the Four Horsemen? And, in all probability, wouldn't your sedentary gamer husband end up wearing just fleecy pajama bottoms in the zombie apocalypse? I've never been good at finishing anything - other than a bottle of Jameson after a long day - but sometimes, just a short break from reality is all one really needs. So here is a short collection of short stories, from a short lady with a short temper. Hopefully they'll at least make you laugh, wince, wonder why you paid for this kind of abuse, and maybe come back for more. Happy reading!