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Susan lettered this wedding verse in English and in Hebrew. The verse is from Song of Songs 6: 3 also called The Song of Solomon or Canticles. It is a book of the Bible, traditionally ascribed to Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba and king of Israel from 960 B.C. to 922 B.C. Some scholars believe it was composed later, and some believe it is an allegorical love poem that may have been sung at ancient weddings. It remains a popular wedding verse today. The quotation: "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine..." In Hebrew "Ani l'dodi v'dodi li." The Hebrew verse is lettered in a circle in black watercolors and surrounds the English verse, lettered in shades of the color wheel, from red to yellow, green, and blue. These surround an intricate circular design, known as the Seal of Solomon or David's Shield, also in shades of the color wheel. A background of interlacing lines and a border of black and white braided patterns complete the piece. Signed print, with bio and information sheet is inserted with acid-free mat board into a clear plastic envelope. Print Image Size: 6" x 6" Print Paper Size: 10" x 10"