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Product Description "...Good words. That's where ideas begin." -- Dr. David Marcus to Admiral James T. Kirk, Star Trek® II: The Wrath of Khan It makes us wonder. It makes us smile. But most of all, it makes us think. More than any other single aspect, Star Trek is defined by the strength of its ideas. For decades this television and movie phenomenon has reached out to its audience, spanning generations and inspiring them not simply with the power of its voice, but with the meaning behind it. Quotable Star Trek demonstrates the truly universal appeal of Gene Roddenberry's extraorinary creation. Words of wit, wisdom, and compelling insight applicable to everyday life from The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek Voyager®, and eight Star Trek motion pictures have been meticulously researched and collected in one volume. Intensely thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining, Quotable Star Trek has something for everyone, and is a must-have resource for every devoted fan. Review The selections in Quotable Star Trek run the gamut of era and subject and are divided into 32 sections. In chapters such as The Human Condition, Life and Death, Peace and War, Freedom, and Personal Favorites, you'll find hundreds of memorable maxims from all incarnations of Trek: the original series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and all the movies--but the one quote you won't find is, "Beam me up, Scotty." After browsing a page or two, you may be surprised at how evocative a few words can be: "There is something to be learned when you're not in control of every situation." --Counselor Deanna Troi to Riker "Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects. And claw at you." "What does the man do?" "He reads love poetry. He ducks a lot." --Worf and Wesley, on Klingon mating rituals "I've found that nothing keeps me alert quite like a healthy fear of death." --Sisko to Weyoun "I have a sense of humor. On the Enterprise, I was considered to be quite amusing." "That must've been one dull ship." "That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it." --Worf and Dax "What do you call those?" "I call them ears." "Are you trying to be funny?" "Never." --Flavius and Spock "She brought me closer to humanity than I ever thought possible. And for a time, I was tempted by her offer." "How long a time?" "Zero point six-eight seconds, sir. For an android, that is nearly an eternity." --Data and Picard, on the Borg queen "Look, I'm a doctor, not an escalator." --McCoy to Eleen, on needing help to get her up the mountain Author Jill Sherwin has culled a winning collection that preserves the best moments of countless episodes. Die-hard trekkers will love the depth and breadth of lore captured in Quotable Star Trek. Those of us who consider ourselves "just fans" will be surprised at how fun it is to peruse these Trek time capsules. --Jhana Bach From the Back Cover It makes us wonder. It makes us smile. But most of all, it makes us think. More than any other single aspect, Star Trek is defined by the strength of its ideas. For decades this television and movie phenomenon has reached out to its audience, spanning generations and inspiring them not simply with the power of its voice, but with the meaning behind it. Quotable Star Trek demonstrates the truly universal appeal of Gene Roddenberry's extraordinary creation. Words of wit, wisdom, and compelling insight applicable to everyday life from The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation "RM", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "RM", Star Trek: Voyager "RM", and eight Star Trek motion pictures have been meticulously researched and collected in one volume. Intensely thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining, Quotable Star Trek has something for everyone, and is a must-have resource for every devoted fan. About the Author Jill Sherwin is an admitted lifelong Star Trek® fan and bibliophile who is thrill