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—Reed Holden, founder, Holden Advisors Corp., coauthor, The Strategy and Tactics ofPricing: A Guide to Profitable Decision Making, ThirdEdition"With Pricing on Purpose, Ron Baker had made an enormouscontribution to the better understanding of pricing that will beaccessible to anyone who wants to learn. People are intrigued byinstances of what they see as idiosyncratic pricing. Sometimes itis idiosyncratic, but oft-times it is fiendishly clever and wellresearched. So is this book. There are examples that at first sightseem to have nothing to do with the subject at hand, but thelearning points are all made and explained in any number ofinteresting and memorable ways. Pricing on Purpose is a welcome andvaluable addition to the learning on pricing and I recommend it toprofessional pricers, marketers, and anyone interested in capturingthe value their business creates."—Eric G. Mitchell, President, Professional Pricing Society,"Ron Baker is what I'd call a 'thought giant.' In his first twobooks he literally began a revolution in the accounting and legalprofessions. Thousands of professionals in public practice now leadfar better, more rewarding lives thanks to him. Now he's broadenedhis impact in a huge way. Read this book, implement the ideas andyou'll never look at your prices or your pricing policies in thesame way again. You'll be richer in many ways because of it."—Paul Dunn, founder and CEO, ResultsNet Australia, coauthor,The Firm of the Future: A Guide for Accountants, Lawyers, and OtherProfessional Services,"As a reader of hundreds of business books, I am thrilled when Icome across one that has something new to say. Pricing on Purposedoes just that. Instead of presenting a set of feel-good items tocheck off a list, Ron Baker encourages us 'to think with him, notlike him.' He methodically builds his argument leading us throughthe labyrinth of pricing theory and encourages us to look atpricing as the strategic tool that it is rather than taking thelazy cost-based tactical approach of most businesses. To paraphraseKarl Marx in terms of Baker's book, 'Cost-based pricing is theopium of business.'"—Ed Kless, Director, Partner Development and Recruitment,Sage Software"Baker has done it again! Building on the core principles that headvanced in Professional's Guide to Value Pricing and The Firm ofthe Future, Ron Baker has again evolved thought leadership on thecritical dynamics of value and pricing. Baker's latest work,Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value, providesreal-world examples and practical strategies that provide aframework for pricing optimization. His clarity of purpose andpassionate call to action resonates in today's intellectual capitaleconomy."—Thomas Finneran, Executive Vice President, AmericanAssociation of Advertising Agencies"We love this book! With detailed research, thorough references,and recommendations for further reading, this could be considered atextbook. That it is so readable and engaging is a triumph. Thechapter providing the epitaph for cost-plus pricing is worth manytimes the price of this book. 'Got price-sensitive customers?Wonder why? Read and stop weeping. Who's in charge of value in yourcompany?' Baker asks. If you can't immediately answer, you'd betterread this book. Bravo, Baker!"—Paul O'Byrne and Paul Kennedy, partners, O'Byrne and KennedyLLP, Chartered Accountants, United Kingdom,"Ron Baker is nothing short of brilliant, and his enthusiasm forpricing is contagious. Pricing on Purpose will add more value toyour firm than anything else you could do. As usual in Ron's books,he presents cutting-edge ideas. There is no greater value to yourcompany than to read Pricing on Purpose and implement itsideas."—Scott Abbott, entrepreneur, former regional businessdevelopment, manager, BDO Dunwoody, LLP, Manitoba, Canada