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We've all seen those claims from other Amazon sellers... We can claim that our product is: • # 1 Pizza cutter • Cuts anything soft which fits under the balde • Grade 430 Stainless Steel Blade • TPE and ABS material handle • FDA Approval and BPA Free • Palm-held design comfortable to hold and control • Dishwasher safe • 12 Month Warranty [Condition Applies] • ...and so on Like myself, most buyers don't understand the technical jargon. All you want is a Pizza cutter that CUTS Pizza, offers Value for money and lasts a long time. Mozzbi Pizza cutter does exactly that and this is the ONLY CLAIM WE STAND BY. We totally understand, that it can be a risky venture to buy an online product without seeing or touching it. That's why we go that extra mile for our customers and offer a 30 day 100% Satisfaction or Money Back Guarantee. Mozzbi is confident - Let the Pizza cutter do all the talking! 'SEEING IS BELIEVING' Our customers are intelligent and know a good product when they see one. We want our customers to make the statement whether it's #1 product or #1000 product! Give this product the headline it deserves! Are you still thinking about purchasing the 100% RISK FREE Pizza cutter? If NO - What are you waiting for? Click 'ADD TO CART' now... and don't forget to pick one up for a friend or family member too!