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Our chart, Pregnancy and Birth Illustrates pregnancy from fertilization of the egg to labor and birth. The central figure shows the infant within the mother's uterus.User friendly drawings and diagrams with clear explanations show the following:detail of the mammary glands ovulation, fertilization and implantation within the female reproductive organsdetail of the ovum and spermatozoonTrimester and fetal development - conception , first, second and third trimestershormonal changes during pregnancydescribes the 3 stages of labor - dilation, childbirth and afterbirth Also discusses genetic screening: AFP, Ultrasound, CVS and amniocentesisLaminated and paper versions are available in English and Spanish. Made in USAAvailable in the following versions: 20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587791840 20" x 26" heavy weight paper ISBN 9781587791857 20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets Spanish ISBN 9780781782210 20" x 26 heavy weight paper Spanish ISBN 9780781782203