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KJK052-XL Size: X-Large (14" - 16" L) Features: -Dog raincoat. -Cotton lining. -Polka dot and Daisy pattern. -Sizing: Length (L) = Measurement from Neck to TailGirth/Chest (G) = Measurement around the broadest part of the chestNeck (N) = Measurement around the Neck. Product Type: -Jacket. Animal Size: -X-Large. Animal Size: -Large. Animal Size: -Small. Animal Size: -Medium. Pet Category: -Dogs. Color: -Golds & Yellows. Generic Dimensions: -X-Small: 6-8'' L x 10-12'' G x 6-7.5'' N, 1 lb. -Small: 8-10'' L x 12-14'' G x 7.5-9'' N, 1 lb. -Medium: 10-12'' L x 14-16'' G x 9-11'' N, 1 lb. -Large: 12-14'' L x 16-18'' G x 11-13'' N, 1 lb.