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The POC Octal Raceday helmet is something of an anomaly in the market -- after all, almost all helmets are designed for racing, but worn for training. POC flips this paradigm on its head a bit by offering a helmet designed for the special rigors of bike racing. The Octal AVIP Helmet has high-visibility, and emergency identification features, but the Raceday forgoes those, under the assumption that you'll be racing in an area free of cars, and where your emergency contact info will be lodged with the organizers. In addition, the Raceday provides a bit more coverage, extending down the low-back of the head more than the AVIP does, in anticipation of the possibility of more frequent crashes while racing. The POC Raceday also features a low-profile click wheel for adjustment, and POC's Eye Garage for keeping your sunnies perched solidly on your helmet when they're not in use.