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Product Description Passing the PMP Exam is no easy task, but this book can make it a lot simpler. This book contains over 500 exam like questions, full-length mock exam, and exam tips. The hot topics sections of Critical Path and Earned Value Management is well explained and will get you passing the exam on your first try. This study guide is for the PMP exam based on the PMBOK Guide 6th edition.This study guide also includes free access to our e-learning courses in Earned Value Management, Critical Path Method, and how to fill out the PMP application. Over 3 hours of videos to help students learn some of the most difficult topics on the PMP exam. Students will also receive a bonus online 200 question mock exam. From the Author Passing the PMP Exam is no easy task, most individuals spend weeks to months studying different resources to pass this exam. This study guide is written to be concise, to the point, and easy to understand. Andrew Ramdayal has broken down the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition into simple concepts and narrow down the content to just the topics you will need to know, in order to pass on your first try. This study guide will include exam tips throughout the study guide and detail sections on difficult exam topics such as Critical Path Method and Earned Value Management. Highlights of the study guide includes: Over 500 exam like questions Full length mock exam Exam tips section Critical Path hot topic section Earned Value Management hot topic section This guide will also give students to access to a range of free e-learning classes with over 3 hours of online lectures in: Earned Value Management for the PMP or CAPM Exam Critical Path Method for the PMP or CAPM Exam PMP Application Instructions (Nearly 1 hour of expert instructions with detail steps outlining how to fill out the PMP application) As a bonus, students will also gain access to an additional online 200 questions mock exam, bring the total count to over 700 questions with the purchase of this study guide.