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Plugo link, one of the Five kits of plugo, is a set of are-powered educational games. Kids get access to unlimited activities that involve them in real-world scenarios and help groom their design and creative abilities. Plugo link is developed by Shifu, an award-winning STEM/steam toy Maker. With plugo link, kids create a range of gravity-defying structures using magnetic building blocks (included in the box) to clear the challenges and progress through the games. - plugo link engages auditory, visual, and tactile senses. It is perfect for all kids, no matter what their learning style is. - the games are designed to adjust the learning concepts and the difficulty as per age of the kid. Children above 4 years Can play these games. - Link comes with 4 stem/steam games; gear up, the piper, word hunter, and let's get rolling. We plan to add more games soon. Plugo link aims to bring your kids close to the concepts of STEM/steam. The in-game activities let the kids be highly creative while sharpening their critical thinking, logical reasoning, and spatial intelligence. Place the Gamepad on a flat surface and insert your device in the slot. Launch the plugo app. The app will quickly sync and you will be taken to the home screen. Voila! Happy gaming!