All Categories A meteorite has hit the planet, causing it to stop rotating around its own axis. One half of the earth looks set to freeze solid in arctic conditions, while scorching heat is making life unbearable on the other half. Can humankind be saved from this terrible disaster? Just one enormous repulse set off from a large impulse machine could set the planet rotating again. Players who feel up to the challenge must get ready to be confronted with a series of physics-based riddles, scientific problems, and conundrums as they journey through the visually stunning 3-D fantasy landscape of Physicus. A number of exciting locations and scenarios will be uncovered by the curious player intent on finding the tools he must scan and then beam into action to set off electrical charges and connections. Doors must be opened and secret combinations must be found, and pulleys and lifts must be jolted into action. Players must light up dingy corners and hallways, activate switches and transformers, and operate all shapes and sizes of machinery, all the while keeping a constant eye everywhere for clues. No corner must be left unturned in your effort to generate electricity and take your challenge to the final step of firing the giant impulse machine. The key to everything can be found and understood by assessing the vast database of scientific knowledge stored within a laptop-style recorder. These last-chance instructions have been left behind by the last of the survivors who set sail following a failed final attempt to fire a repulse big enough to save their planet. Their hope ran out along with the last of the electrical charges. Along with the database, you will encounter an audio-visual recording that will relay the tale of the last attempt and give you clues and additional scientific background. Listen carefully and leave no stone unturned or corner unchecked--you are their last hope!