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Phantasy Star Portable 2 is an Action RPG that continues the Phantasy Star adventure extended to the PlayStation Portable (PSP) in the original Phantasy Star Portable game. The game features 4-player wireless support in both competitive and cooperative modes, new socially interactive game aspects, double the amount of content seen in the previous game and an enhanced combat system. Experience the conclusion of the series in Phantasy Star Portable 2. View larger. A Global Online Multiplayer Experience The Phantasy Star series returns to the PlayStation Portable (PSP) system for an exciting new adventure, bringing all-new content and returning the series to its online roots. Picking up three years after the events of the exciting Phantasy Star Universe saga, Phantasy Star Portable 2 challenges players to take on the role of mercenary to save the struggling Gurhal galaxy. Phantasy Star Portable 2 offers a gigantic dose of original content from new combat moves, weapons and character customization options. New to the Phantasy Star Portable franchise, online play through Infrastructure mode and enhanced social interactivity adds to the adventure for fans and newcomers alike. Key Game Features Compelling