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Symptoms of Asthma & Respiratory Problems in Pets Few things are more distressing than seeing your pet struggle to breathe through an acute coughing or wheezing episode. Everyday activities such as playing fetch outside could suddenly be too much for a dog; certain brands of litter may cause a cat to cough uncontrollably. Other symptoms of poor respiratory functioning can range from loss of appetite or weight and shortness of breath, all of which can lessen your pet’s quality of life. Dogs and cats of all ages may suffer from asthma, but it is more prevalent in younger or middle-aged pets. Many asthma attacks can be triggered by allergens in the environment. Mild cases of asthma might even go unnoticed or, in the case of cats, get misinterpreted as a furball. Mild cases can present as nothing more than a dry, hacking cough, possibly progressing to wheezing sounds becoming more obvious when your pet exhales. You may notice shallow, rapid, labored breathing with marked movement of the abdomen. Your pet is trying to breathe in more air. Cats, for example, tend to extend their heads, possibly even adopting a praying position with elbows extended away from the chest. Episodes of asthma can be triggered by allergens and stress. Some common allergens can include grass and tree pollens, fire smoke, cigarette smoke, fumes from cars and factories, dust (especially from cat litter), and aerosols of various sorts like perfumes, deodorants, and flea sprays.