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PET-CT imaging is a powerful tool in diagnosis and treatment ofcancer. Its application as a prognostic tool in variousmalignancies is well established. This volume encompasses thelatest trends and developments of PET-CT imaging in non-neoplasticdisease along with its application in clinical decision-making.This volume will be of interest to internal medicine specialistsand subspecialists, as well as neurologists, psychiatrists, generalradiologists and Nuclear Medicine physicians. Topics include: PET myocardial perfusion imaging as an accurate andnon-invasive means in the evaluation of ischemia and the assessmentof myocardial viability as well as the potential for myocardialblood flow quantificationThe use of PET imaging in the early diagnosis and timelyintervention in potentially devastating dementiasThe utility of PET imaging in the diagnosis of a variety ofinflammatory diseases such as lupus and myositisNOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individualbooks or as a journal. For information on institutional journalsubscriptions, please visit MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciencesdirectly to place your order ( Members of the NewYork Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annalsonline and discounts on print volumes. Please visit more information about becoming a member.