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Looking for a fun paracord project but don't want to spend all your money on just one color? Then this Paracord Camo bracelet kit is for you These Combo Crafting Kits are great values for any situation. - This Paracord bracelet kit contains 20 feet of Digital ACU, Woodland Camo, Olive Drab, Black, and Desert Camo. 10 - 3/8" Black Side Release Buckles. 5 larger size (32mm) key rings. - Keep in mind: Each hank comes in 20ft sizes and can hold a minimum force of 550lb - Type III Commercial Grade parachute cord is almost identical to the Mil-Spec without the higher prices. - It has a core of seven inner strands surrounded by a nylon cover that won’t fray like the others and a minimum breaking strength of 550lbs. - Great for camping, hiking, military, survival, birthday or holiday parties, gifts for the holidays, stocking stuffers, everyday crafting crafting or any outdoor adventure!