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P-REP is the one to get you into serious fingerboarding. Assembling the P-Rep 32mm Solid complete yourself is a great way to that. The included instructions make that assembly easy. We also have easy to follow videos showing assembly. This Tuned complete comes with the following: 32mm P-Rep "Deep Mold" Deck 32mm P-REP SOLID Trucks - Single Axle and locknuts - Spare set of BKF Baked Bushings Included CNC Lathed Bearing Wheels 2 pieces un-cut Foam Grip Tape 1 standard fingerboard tool necessary nuts and screws some stickers Parts can always be added for better performance as skills increase. Broken Knuckle Fingerboards created the P-REP line to provide an inexpensive alternative to our high-performance line of fingerboards. We believe everyone should have access to try and have quality wooden fingerboards without having to pay a lot to get started. These completes are well made and are a great introduction to wooden decks and fingerboarding. We strive to provide the best prices for ALL levels of fingerboarding gear.