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Quality is the foundation of our existence. -- OUXUN You need to express your love bravely, give your lover some romantic memory,we cheer for you! - Gift idea for Someone Special - When the Valentines Day or your Anniversaries coming, purchase one pair, Keep one for yourself, give one to the significant other, show your love to her / him. Makes a fantastic gift for Anniversaries, Birthdays, Weddings, Valentines Day, Christmas, or Just Because! Why Choose Stainless Steel Jewelry?1) Affordable: Stainless steel jewelry is more easier and cheaper to get than expensive fine jewelry. Even you can purchase a great looking stainless steel ring for every finger on your hand.No worry for losing. 2)Low Maintenance: Stainless steel jewelry requires little or no maintenance to keep it looking new. It will retain its luster with an occasional cleaning with a mild detergent. 3)Durability: Stainless steel is not corrosive. It is highly resistant to scratching, rusting and tarnishing. It is able to endure a lot of wear and tear. It's a good choice for jewelry that will be worn for a long time, such as wedding rings. 4)Hypoallergenic: All stainless steel jewelries are Nickel free, Lead free and Chromium free. So stainless steel jewelry is hypo-allergenic making it a great choice for someone whose skin is sensitive to metal. Of course ,it will not turn your skin green or any other color FAQ: 1)Does the item including 1pc or 1 pair ring ?A:1 pair bracelet inculding. 1pc for men, another for women, including gift bag and gift card.2)Does the bracelet will make skin sensitive?A:No, it is safe for skin,stainless steel jewelry is hypo-allergenic.3)Will these turn colors if itake ashower with them on?A:No.It will not make your wrist color change.