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Millet Seeds are lovely little yellow seeds with a nutritious groat and small round, lightweight hulls or shells. When the hulls are separated from the seeds, these small empty half-round shells retain their slick feel and lightweight strength. Unlike buckwheat hulls that are more angular, hard and rough; millet hulls feel very soft and pliable - curves rather than angles and edges. This soft feeling transfers through the pillow ticking to your skin, nerves, head, ear and face - making the pillow very comfortable and very quiet. Though they feel soft as we touch them, millet hulls are perfectly capable of supporting your head and neck and curve desired. A perfect pillow filling Great for your home crafting of dolls and cushions. Our millet hulls are certified organically grown and processed in the United States. Millet hulls are considered hypo-allergenic, do not house dust mites and naturally ventilate. Our hulls are dust-free from our triple screening process. Millet hulls will keep you comfortable in both winter and summer.