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This Organic Chem Survival Manual, 9e presents the basic techniques of the organic chemistry laboratory with an emphasis on doing the work correctly the first time. New to this edition are: Safety in the laboratory, always a primary concern, one now has to consider the addition of such technology as the iPad, the Nook, the Kindle, and even text messaging where applicable; Microscale where applicable, has been reviewed and updated; A discussion of the technique of Attenuated Total Reflectance and associated practices has been added to the section on Infra-Red Spectroscopy; The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance discussion and presentation has been re-worked such that the different methods of sample preparation, and instrument operation for continuous-wave and FT-NMR have been made to contrast more sharply. A number of NMR spectra, with suggestions on presentation of the data, and basic interpretation have also been added; and lastly, presentation of a more modern outline of the instrumentation of HPLC includes discussion of automatic injectors.