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Homemade Raw Dehydrated Dog Food Just add water!Made from scratch in the USA with human quality ingredients, EasyRaw is a dehydrated raw dog food that contains real, whole food nutrition, including freeze dried raw meat as the main ingredient and dehydrated, non-GMO fruits and vegetables, including low glycemic sweet potatoes and nutrient rich broccoli, carrots and cranberries.Human Quality, Raw Meat as the First Ingredient-Packed with protein, digestive enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acidsSpecies appropriateTaste just like homemade food!-Bioavailabe Dehydrated Fruits & Vegetables-Easily digested for optimal health-Low glycemic, paleo friendly sweet potatoes for healthy energy-GMO Free-Holistic Formulation3 Easy Steps - Just Add Water!1. MIX approximately 1 part dry EasyRaw with 2 parts water2. STIR well & hydrate for 15 minutes3. SERVE for the best dehydrated dog food availableMade in the USA small batch, hand crafted formulas for increased quality and safetySpecially formulated by our holistic vet for ancestral feedingComplete and balanced for all life stages and activity levelsSimply click ADD TO CART to order today!