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I was appointed to the Boston Police Department in August of 1968. That was the beginning of a 32-year career as one of Boston' finest. Those were good years to be a policeman. I had a ringside seat watching Boston be restored to a world class city. Comparatively speaking it is smaller than one would think, squeezing about 600 thousand people into 45 square miles. Greater Boston encompasses over three and a half million people. Boston is a major attraction, renowned for its many varied accouterments. Boasting some of the finest restaurants, historic and cultural magnets, museums and a medley of colleges and hospitals. Millions of people lived, worked and visited "Old Beantown" during my years. I patrolled, served and strolled its streets during the years 1968 through 2000. Being a police officer provides a unique perspective of good and bad. In writing of my experiences, I hoped to share an inside look into what really happens. I have randomly selected a pastiche of incidents for the reader to consume. Some of them garnered national attention. My stories are true and this author has attempted to portray them accurately. Much of what is written is reliant upon my memory. It would be impossible to be all-inclusive. Many of the characters I have written about have passed away. For those who remain, in some instances, I have chosen to fictionalize their true identity. Many who read this book will recognize some of the names and incidents I have included. In doing so, I have revealed much of what is known only to those on the inside. A lot of time has passed since I retired, and things have changed dramatically. The thing that doesn't ever change, is a police officer's mission: to serve and protect. Not only in Boston but across the entire country. Every day, somewhere in America, a police officer is rushing to help someone in distress or peril. Every time a police officer puts on a uniform and pins on a badge, they enter a world of the unpredictable. Every day we read a