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Out of the ashes of OCCULT DETECTIVE QUARTERLY rises OCCULT DETECTIVE MAGAZINE! Enter the world of the occult detective and the psychic investigator, men and women who risk their lives facing strange and supernatural phenomena. Apart from the title change, it’s the same blend of dark and imaginative fiction, articles, reviews, and great art as before. Authors this issue include… Melanie Atherton Allen, Alexis Ames, Bryce Beattie, Cliff Biggers, S L Edwards, John Paul Fitch, Kelly M Hudson, Ian Hunter, Michael Kellar, James A Moore, Charles R Rutledge, Craig Stanton, Tade Thompson, I A Watson and Matthew Willis. Plus artwork by…Autumn Barlow, Mutartis Boswell (back cover), Jason Eckhardt, Dave Felton, Bob Freeman, Roland Nikrandt (front cover) and Russell Smeaton.